Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Post 1: An Introduction

I am a biology (premed) major/chemistry minor at Berry College. I plan on attending physician's assistant (PA) school in Atlanta after I graduate, and I’d like to focus my future career on thoracic surgery. I have always been passionate about serving others in order to bring glory to Christ, and I am pursuing a career in medicine to do just that! Besides my interest in healthcare, I am all about spending time outdoors. I’ll seldom deny the opportunity to hike, camp, kayak…you name it! I’m spontaneous and I love God’s creation. So, do you feel like backpacking for a weekend? If so, I’m in!

Just another little thing about me…about 6 months ago my incredible fiancé proposed to me! God brought us together through the Berry College Swim and Dive team, and after becoming the closest of friends first, we fell in the deepest love. Since then, I have been looking forward to the amazing life I have ahead! Within the next year I will be traveling to one of the most beautiful countries in the world, working towards my dream career and becoming the wife of the most genuine, godly men in the world! So exciting!

I am so thankful God has given me a chance to try something new and study abroad this summer. When I first got to Berry College, I heard from tons of people about how enriching a study abroad experience is. Their stories were so amazing, and I knew I wanted to have one of my own. After lots of searching for the right program, I almost gave up looking  until I heard about studying in Ireland with the European Council. Before then, nothing I found was the perfect combination of travel coupled with courses I needed to graduate. I knew Ireland was the perfect destination too, because I have always wanted to visit! As a little girl, I remember my grandmother teaching me an Irish jig. Ever since then, I have had my heart set on going someday! I thrive on adventure, and the thought of becoming immersed in the Irish culture by not only "seeing" it but also studying it really drives my anticipation to go. I knew in my heart this was my chance to travel to Europe and continue my education in a unique manner. In a nutshell, this will be the experience of a lifetime. Ireland's natural beauty and unique culture will make this trip a magical experience.

I am much more excited about the trip than nervous. For one, I cannot wait to truly "live" in Ireland for that long. I always thought I'd only visit Europe for a week at the most, so this is incredibly exciting to me! Also, I am pumped to experience the natural beauty. I recently received an amazing camera from my fiancé, so I’m eager to capture every landscape and unforgettable moment there. Something else that I love about this trip is the unique educational experience. Instead of merely taking classes in a cold, boring classroom, we get to go out and actually EXPERIENCE Ireland! The next few weeks will definitely reenergize my eagerness to learn.

Although I am mostly excited, I do have a few hesitations. My main concern is being away from everyone back home. For the past 2 years I have been by my fiancé’s side, and when I'm not with him I'm hanging out with my family. I know I don't see them much when I'm away at Berry anyways, but still. I'm also a little worried about how well I'll manage free time there. I tend to try too hard to see EVERYTHING, so I'm hoping and praying I won’t stress out too much if I don’t get to see everything I wanted to! I know it seems silly, but that's just how I am. My last concern is how unfamiliar I will be with Ireland. Since I haven’t been there before, it'll be a little tough at first for me to get used to where everything is. I know that won't be a huge deal for long, but it does make me a little nervous.

Overall, what I look forward to definitely outweighs my worries. I cannot wait to build relationships and gain a deeper appreciation for Ireland!

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